welcome... to the world of marsbotz

gif of a swimming fish

transparent image of the official five pebbles plush

hi! i'm finlay ^_^

welcome to my little corner of the web! i'm new to coding but trying to learn :] hope you like what you see!

button reading 'css is awesome' spilling out of a box. button reading 'completely hand coded!'. button reading 'best viewed with a cat'.

update log!

full log archive

05/08/24 - newwww blog post! read it!

04/08/24 - new let's play post on the blog, fixed the site on mobile, and added a site button! add me to ur site NOWWW >:3

03/08/24 - updated the gallery with my artfight stuff! also added the collections page!

01/08/24 - finally added my blog page! check it out!

28/07/24 - fixed my css so the site should hopefullyyyy not break on smaller screens (slightly limited but much better than it was! maybe one day i will work out how to make it function on mobile haha). added a couple of site buttons

03/06/24 - added some more art and button links to the main page! also moved to nekoweb! read more in the full log :]

03/05/24 - updated the gallery! thats it.... been busy with exams -3-

01/04/24 - pet div changed to slugcat due to the old site being inactive <3 also updated the gallery! happy april fools day!

19/03/24 - whole site overhaul! gallery and update log pages added

the scug

pixel art of a small creature